Sing Swan Songs # 36: Sun Ra (1.961 – 1.990)

Escrito por el 26/08/2013

Segunda parte de la retrospectiva sobre Sun Ra, con motivo de la gira de la Arkestra sin su líder.

Hoy centrada en el período que va desde 1.961 hasta su último trabajo de 1.990, tres años antes de su ascension a el espacio.

Space Is The Place

Space Jazz Reverie The Futuristic Sounds Of Sun Ra, 1.961
dance of the living image The Night of the Purple Moon, 1.970
Tell her to come on home Single, 1.962
Everything Is Space Somewhere Else, 1.988
love in outer space The Night of the Purple Moon, 1.970
Your Guest Is As Good As Mine Blue Delight, 1.989
sun-earth rock The Night of the Purple Moon, 1.970
Of Sounds And Something Else The Futuristic Sounds Of Sun Ra, 1.961
Somewhere Else Part 1 Somewhere Else, 1.988
What’s That? The Futuristic Sounds Of Sun Ra, 1.961
Exotic Forest Heliocentric Worlds Vol. 3, 1.966
Intergalactic Motion Outer Spaceways Incorporated, 1.974

* Selected by Salva Masdeu
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