Abdulla Rashim

Tras un merecido descanso el equipo del programa vuelve al trabajo. En esta entrega de Circuito Virtual os invitamos a un baño electrónico, y os ofrecemos en exclusiva la tercera referencia del sello catalán, “Nostyleisstyle”. Revisamos a fondo la escena más experimental de Barcelona junto a conocidos artistas internacionales. Un recorrido sonoro por las catacumbas […]

Back to techno this week as we head north to Sweden and the home of the shadowy producer who goes by the name of Abdulla Rashim.

The music of Lebanese artist Rabih Beani defies easy description. His now revered techno under the name Morphosis is said to «crack apart the mechanical rhythm of the loop», whereas with Upperground Orchestra he has championed improvisation and cross-genre fertilisation between jazz and electronica. Recently under his own name he has also tried to revisit […]

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