Bee Mask

This week we return to the fold of Sonar 2014 and recap some of the highlights, lowlights and tendencies from this year starting with Japanese all-girl group Nisennenmondai who delivered the standout show with their tight and edgy minimal dystopian techno thrashed out on guitar, bass and drums.

En esta entrega de Circuito Virtual os invitamos a un baño radiactivo. Exponemos vuestros sufridos tímpanos a una nube tóxica en la que frecuencias insanas flotan a sus anchas. Damos rienda suelta a los sonidos mas alienígenas, psicodélicos y perturbadores, en una selección que va a transformar vuestra masa cerebral en Peta-Zetas.

A wide ranging feast of ambient and experimental music this week on Cabeza de Vaca. We kick off with the elaborate constructions of Chris Madak’s Bee Mask project and the quiet tone song of Australian Oren Ambarchi before passing through some more classical coloured music from Jasper TX and the lush chamber music of Christoph […]

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