Nacemos, vivimos y hasta morimos en un bombardeo constante de publicidad. Analizamos en este programa las campañas más agresivas y extremas. Nos dejamos sorprender por mensajes publicitarios tatuados en la cara y maniquies con profuso vello púbico. Entrevistamos a Konsumprodukt (Alejandro Remeseiro), contactamos con Condres y conversamos con Evasèe en un programa trepidante y cargado […]
So it’s mostly about the beats this week followed by some house mutations but kicking off with Four Tet‘s radical reinterpretation of Jimi Hendrix’s «Castles Made Of Sand» which led nicely to a little Eat Concrete Records love fest.
So another largely soulful, jazz flavoured show again this week kicking off with Headnodic from Crown City Rockers and his hip hop flavoured vintage fusion vibes which led nicely into the, equal parts sad and beautiful, «The Fall» from Rhye – great video as well. Daedelus then provided a taste of his free download EP […]